To give people a chance before writing them off.
To never order just a California roll. If you're gonna eat sushi, you need a roll of something raw.
To always have cable. ALWAYS.
Not to be the crazy hippie lady with the purple house and peace sign on my car.
To to be a cool hippie lady with the sweet tattoos and awesome furniture.
To never go to a steakhouse and order the chicken.
To continue traveling the world.
To never step outside my house in anything less than pajamas. Wearing a bathrobe does not count as being clothed.
To always tip my waitress.
To never stop being obsessed with garden gnomes.

garden knomes are pretty hilarious. there's a guy i work with who kinda looks like one so we decided to surround his cube with garden knomes, we might have dressed them up like ninjas!
Word re: California rolls. That's like sushi for pussies. Sorry. It needed to be said.
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