Red over at Gingers Is the Watchword did a post about magazines today and it totally got me thinking about my new obsession:

I haven't had a cigarette in about 6 weeks. I was never really a habitual smoker, but this year was definitely not a healthy one, lung-wise. I went from studying for the bar (also known as Hell on Earth) straight to two months in Europe, which really isn't the place to go if you want to quit smoking. The amount and caffeine and nicotine I consumed while in the Motherland this year was ridiculous, even for my standards. Needless to say I continued the habit after I got home. But I am very happy to report that cigarettes are now BANNED from my body!
I joined a gym. Well, to be more precise, my cousin got me a 3-month membership for Christmas. And I can honestly say that I love it! I'm not looking to lose weight, but damn if I don't feel ten times better about myself after an hour of aerobics. Yay for being healthy and in shape!
See? I'm not all sarcasm and bitterness. I may have been in a funk this morning, but I recognize that it had everything to do with resenting a responsibility that fell on my shoulders and nothing to do with being sick. And once I got over myself, it actually turned out to be a not-so-awful day. See what a positive attitude can do?! A few more bong hits and I'll soon love Monday mornings like I used to love Marlboro Lights and double espressos.
I love Domino, too. I have a subscription. It's like decorating porn.
I miss the sarcasm and bitterness already. Glad you cut the smokes because as is our new state motto (apparently), everyone loves a quitter.
A little decorating tip that will save you on subscribing to that magazine: Place the TV first and then the rest of the room will take shape.
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