What a dreary day here in New York. But at least IT'S FRIDAY!! Yes, the workweek is almost over and the drinking may commence. Seriously, take an early lunch and get yourself a mojito. Who cares if it's only 11am, it's noon somewhere in the world, right?
For all you responsible adults who can't pick up and leave your desks to get smashed at lunch, here are pictures of some cuddly beasts. Well, most of them are cuddly. Some aren't even real.
For all you responsible adults who can't pick up and leave your desks to get smashed at lunch, here are pictures of some cuddly beasts. Well, most of them are cuddly. Some aren't even real.

Me too! I heart animals more than people most of the time.
And I love the Apes/Chimps/Monkeys at the SD Zoo. They can be so hilarious.
Wow! You've gone from anon blogger to DSB celebrity model. Am I the only remaining mystery in the blogosphere?
And those cows look awfully familiar...Is the motherland Iowa?
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