So I recently got into 30 Rock. And I have to admit, I love it. It's funny, sarcastic, smart, and I pretty much want Liz Lemon's job. But did you know...
...that Tracy Jordan's house portrayed in the second episode of Season 2 is not actually in New Jersey, but in Malba, Queens? Malba is a very VERY rich neighborhood that happens to be right across the bay from my humble 'hood. And that big Tuscan style house they showed? I jog past it all the time and marvel at how gorgeous it is.
Did you also know that that's also the house they portrayed as Colleen Donaghy's Florida home in this season's Christmas episode? It's true. You can see the sewage treatment plant across the Long Island sound in the show.
After a little snooping on the interwebs, I found out that a gentleman named Peter Oppedisano owns the house. (That's him in the above picture.) It makes me wonder who on 30 Rock knows him well enough to be able to use his house on the show....
I think your research is faulty. I seriously doubt that the Peter Oppidasano whose house you are referring to is the same person having any involvement in Nordic Trac or anything to do with the health industry.
That's awesome! I kinda knew Jack wasn't in Florida. The background just looked too much like NYC.
Perhaps it's not the same Peter Oppidasano. Short of knocking on his door, how can I really know? But here's why I think it is the same guy: the few times that the house actually looks inhabited, there are cars with California license plates parked inside the gate. In 2004, Peter Oppidasano was named Vice President of Marketing and Sales of a health and fitness company called BackProject Corporation in Sunnyvaile, CA, with whom (I'm assuming) he is still employed. Is it possible that another dude named Peter Oppidasso who never seems to be home, with cars registered in California, owns this house in Queens? Absolutely. Do I think it's likely? Not really. Secondly, Peter Oppidasano isn't a very common name. Of the 37,600 search results that Google brings up, almost every hit on the first 4 pages has to do with health and fitness, business management, or the fact that he paved the front of his house instead of laying sod. (Really, how is that interesting?) On one of those creepy people-look-up websites, I learned that there are 14 Peter Oppidasano's listed in the U.S. Of those 14, 6 appear to be the same person (the dude that owns this house.) And not one lives in California.
Is my internet research exact? By very nature of the fact that it's "internet research," of course it's not exact. But by way of deduction, I'm pretty confident that the Peter Oppidasano who owns this house is the same Peter Oppidasano who worked for Nordic Track. And hey, if I ever see him outside his house, I'll be sure to ask!
I like your tenacity. But here's why you are wrong.
The public NYC ACRIS online records list the owner of that property in Malba as PIETRO Oppedisano, not Peter. If you run the name on one of those "paid" creepy people look up internet sites, there are two Pietros in the U.S. One is 59, has a certain SS # and lives in Oxnard California, had lived in Minnesota, Missouri and apparently left Suffolk County NY (Mastic) in 1991.
The other, the Malba one (with a different SS #) and the correct age (40 in the NY Times 2005 article you cited) has lived in Queens (at the correct current address) for the past 20 years (with Winter residences in southern climates, no reference to Cali.). The NYTimes article stated that he is a homebuilder in Queens. I highly doubt that he has time to run marketing and sales for a health and fitness company in Sunnyvale, Cali., in between building homes in Queens, NY.
But hey, next time I pass by, I'll ask him.
Whoa. That's some very thorough research, my friend. Can I ask why you're so interested in this Peter guy? My apologies for not having access to a paid people look-up site through which to verify my facts.
Anycreepy, I will correct the original post forthwith.
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