Well as they say, all good things must evolve. At least I think they say that, I don't know. I wasn't an English major. In any event, I've decided to get a bit more personal in my posts. For instance, sometime this weekend I'll likely tell you why I was up at 5:30 this morning and why I'm mad as hell about it. And I'm sure I'll one day explain why I went to law school if I didn't want to be a lawyer, or how I sort of wish I grew up in Texas, or about the time I fell down the stairs with a baby in my arms. I may even reveal the location of The Motherland.
In the meantime, here's a little introduction to the more open concept of blogging. This first photo is of me in Lake Tahoe, freezing my ankles off. August in the Northern California mountains is NOT all that warm.

Here's me on my first night in Germany, maniacally excited about drinking Hefeweizen.

Me and my BFF Natalie in 95 degree heat in Venice, hungover and trying desperately not to puke over the side of the boat.

Being attacked by British boys in an Irish bar in Barcelona. Their friend proposed to my roommate shortly after this picture was taken. (Also, the dude on the right? He kisses girls AND boys. I have photographic proof.)

Attempting to drink an impossibly large fishbowl of some very dark beer.

You get the idea. Being less anonymous = posting more silly pictures of myself = you laughing = you coming back for more funny pictures. At least I hope so. I never really asked you, did I? Well I guess now is as good a time as any, even if it's after the fact. Here goes: what would YOU, my faithful follower, reader, commenter, like to see more of on this blog? More about me? More about my travels? More about YOU? Current events? Photography? Art? I'm open to pretty much anything, even politics. (Be forewarned, I'm a raging liberal leftist.) I'll pretty much respond to any topic you suggest, as long as it's not a legal question. So leave me a comment and tell me what you want to read about. If you're nice, I'll even include your name and a link to your blog (if you have one) in the post ;-)
I am thrilled to see your mug exposed! Your life appears to be full of fun and frivolity, except for this morning of course! I honestly enjoy all of your posts, except the LOST themed writings, seeing as how I don't watch. Continue to unveil yourself and sprinkle in that humor of yours and I am not going anywhere!
Aaaw thanks, K! And I will continue to read your awesome blog, as well. I can't wait to finally see a picture of your little girl. In the meantime, YOU keep posting about your life. Always a pleasure to read =)
I love the LOST themed writings. Im sad to be related to kelly when she says stuff like that.
I try not to lurk on your blog too much but I really do enjoy it. Nice pics!
Please, lurk! I don't mind lurkers. In fact, I heart them! The more lurking the better. It's nice to know that people appreciate my posts.
And fear not, I will continue to recap LOST episodes as long as they continue making new ones. Or until it's revealed that the island is just a figment of Jack's imagination after he was knocked around during turbulence on Oceanic 815. Then I'll stop because really, what is there to talk about after that?
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